
Every year, we hold a city-wide math and science competition, called GEMS (Girls Embracing Math and Science). It is built on the same ideals as GRISM - to foster an interest in math and science. This competition is meant for and specifically tailored to girls in 3rd to 5th grade. GEMS is an event where we encourage collaboration over competition through a series of science/math activities, guest speakers and tests throughout the day. Participants learn to work with each other and approach difficult STEM concepts in a thoughtful, logical way.




WHEN: March 22nd, 2025

WHERE: Eastlake High School in Sammamish, WA

If you would like to donate to the organization that runs GEMS, Girls Rock In Science & Math (GRISM), please click here

A sample schedule for GEMS can be found HERE.

The questions are mainly written math/science short-answer questions, both individual and team. The girls will participate in a scored engineering activity in teams. There will also be critical-thinking games in the afternoon and guest speakers. We have endeavored to spin the questions toward logic, abstract reasoning, and imagination, with less focus on computation or preexisting knowledge. We believe girls will identify with this style, as it targets less rote abilities and more logical thinking.

Science topics include:  Matter/Atoms/Mass and Weight, Acid and Base/Chemical Reactions, Evolution, Experimental Method, Vertebrates and Invertebrates, Plants/Ecology, Energy, Electricity, Magnets, and Atmosphere/Plate Tectonics

Mathematical topics include: Decimals/Fractions/Ratios/Percents, Functions/Equations/Inequalities - No GRAPHING, 2D and 3D Figures - Volume and Surface Area, Basic Trigonometry, Angles, Equilateral Polygons, Probability/Statistics, PEMDAS/Exponents/Square Roots, Graphing Functions/Transformations, Coordinate Geometry, Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences, and Polynomials.

Engineering activities could possibly include: Marshmallow tower activity, LEGO or Robotics Kits run by our sponsors