dr. mani vadari - chairman of the board

Dr. Mani Vadari is a well-recognized electric industry leader and visionary, with over 30 years of experience delivering business and technical solutions. Mani leads a team of experts to deliver complex and innovative technology, business, regulatory, and finance solutions to electric utilities, suppliers, regulators, corporate boards, and policymakers worldwide. Mani is also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington, and an Adjunct Professor at Washington State University. Mani has published two popular books, “Smart Grid Redefined: Transformation of the Electric Utility” and “Electric System Operations – Evolving to the Modern Grid, 2nd edition”, and has authored over 100 industry papers, articles, and blogs.


anupama vadari - board member


Mayukha Vadari - CEO and Board Member

Mayukha is a recent graduate of MIT. Mayukha has been into math since the fourth grade, when she joined her school's math club. She got off to a good start, winning 8th place at the Math is Cool state competition only a few months after she started. For the next few years, she continued to take part in math competitions, including in national competitions like ARML and NSF Nationals. She has won several awards at the regional, state, and national levels. Then, in 8th grade, Mayukha enrolled in Seattle Science Infinity Club. At first, she did not like science very much, but soon began to love it. She and her team excelled, getting second place in Science Bowl at the regional level, only losing once to the first place team, who also happened to be from the Seattle Science Infinity Club. She also went to Nationals for the North South Foundation's Science and Math Bees and won awards there as well. By this time, she realized a trend that girls were losing interest in math and science. She noticed this trend through direct experience with her classmates and friends, as well as observing at competitions (e.g. she was the only girl in the top ten at the 2012 NSF MathBee Nationals). In order to combat this drop in interest, she decided to form Girls Rock inScience and Math to increase interest for girls in these two subjects and make them enthusiastic participants in all areas of both academia and extracurricular.


Ilinca hamza - GRISM President and Board member

Ilinca Hamza is currently a senior at Eastlake High School. She began her journey with GRISM in fourth grade and has since also participated in GEMS and GRASS. After stating high school, she became an instructor for GRISM in the hope to help more girls become passion in STEM fields. She is passionate about marine biology, microbiology, and teaching and is an avid volleyball player.